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Below is a small sampling of my recent work.  I strive to integrate creativity and best design practices into my clients' digital marketing initiatives to invoke an emotional experience that inspires and engages the customer. 

Unity VR
Studio Lab Projects

Dipping my feet in the design of immersive worlds, view a growing portfolio of VR projects.

Wizard Wands
Web Design Project


Of Dragons, Fairies, and Wizards.

Build-A-Bear Workshop
Landing Page Design​


A great opportunity to redesign the landing page for this toy company.

Demo Reel
3D Modelling and Animation


I'm always looking for new opportunities and challenges to deliver creative solutions and elevate brands. Here is a collection of recent projects that demonstrates my approach to solve creative objectives.

Promotional Microsite


Working with the CD at Ryan Partnership I was tasked with finalizing the website design he established. We also created a mobile version, a Facebook presence, and multiple banner advertisements.


Digital Promise / Verizon
Educator's Website


DigitalPromise and Verizon co-sponsored a program to introduce technology to the classroom. This website explains to the educator what to expect once introducing the tablets to the students. Here are some comps to illustrate the design.

Bullfrog Sunscreen
Web Project​


Redesign of the website to align with the company's new direction.


Promotional Microsite


Leveraging the campaign visuals of the POS and DM projects, this is the Facebook App which I designed and provided the final production images and direction to the development team.


Broker Portal


A complete redesign for the Cigna Broker Portal. A responsive and mobile friendly design for an  information library.


Email Designs


Here are a few examples of email design for this tea company.


BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota
Employee Website


Employees of BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota will soon have a new website to keep them informed and as a resource tool. These layouts are currently under review.


Corporate Website


A marketing company's website re-design. 


Dove - Campaign for Real Beauty
Rich Media Banner


I designed this interactive rich media banner to drive traffic to the promotional website.


Dove Men+Care
Final Four Flash Banner


Designed specifically for the ESPN website, this pushdown banner highlighted real bracket data over a stylized compilation of NCAA footage.



iAd Intro Animation
A demo for iAd capabilities presentation at WWDC 10 presented by Steve Jobs

A very unique opportunity to have Steve Jobs critique my work.

Various Brands
Mobile Phone Projects


Mobile phone design projects.


Dove Men+Care
Mobile Tablet Projects

Mobile tablet design projects.


Dove Men+Care
Homepage Takeover


For the Baseball Fantasy League Guy. Unpublished


Dove Body Wash
Homepage takeover


A fun project to design and build.


Various Brands
Web Projects


A loose collection projects.


Rich Media Animation

Rich Media Animation

Watch Now
Various Digital Media Banners
Flash R.I.P.


Some favorites

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